Fair and impartial legal neutrals available from Signature Resolution for your mediation and arbitration needs.

Recent Posts

Legal disputes can be resolved with Signature Resolution and experts like the Hon. Tricia E. Bigelow in Los Angeles.


The Hon. Tricia Bigelow (Ret.) joins Signature Resolution

Hon. Tricia A. Bigelow (Ret.)

August 22, 2021 - AUGUST 23rd, 2021 The Hon. Tricia Bigelow (Ret.) joins Signature Resolution Former Presiding Justice of the Court of Appeal will serve as...

The Signature Resolution mediators and arbitrators like T. Warren Jackson have years of legal experience.

Neutral Spotlight

Calif. Ruling Shows That Prevailing Party Wins Can Be Pyrrhic

T. Warren Jackson

August 18, 2021 - Portfolio Media. Inc. | 111 West 19th Street, 5th Floor | New York, NY 10011 | www.law360.com Phone: +1 646 783 7100 | Fax: +1 646 783...

Signature Resolution mediators have so much experience they can help including Scott Slater Markus, Esq.

Neutral Spotlight

‘Velvet Hammer’

Scott Slater Markus

August 13, 2021 - Scott S. Markus Signature Resolution San Diego Areas of Specialty: Employment, Professional Liability, Catastrophic Injury, Real Proper...

Arbitration and mediation available from legal pros like the Hon. Margo Lewis Hoy and Signature Resolution.


Signature Resolution Opens San Diego Office

Hon. Margo Lewis Hoy (Ret.)

August 02, 2021 - PRESS RELEASE AUGUST 2nd, 2021 Signature Resolution opens in San Diego Alternative dispute resolution firm expands its footprint in South...

Signature Resolution mediators have so much experience they can help including Scott Slater Markus, Esq.


Scott Slater Markus joins Signature Resolution

Scott Slater Markus

August 02, 2021 - PRESS RELEASE AUGUST 2nd, 2021 Scott Slater Markus joins Signature Resolution Longtime San Diego County mediator will handle cases i...

Arbitration and mediation available from legal pros like the Hon. Margo Lewis Hoy and Signature Resolution.


Hon. Margo Lewis Hoy (Ret.) joins Signature Resolution

Hon. Margo Lewis Hoy (Ret.)

August 02, 2021 - PRESS RELEASE AUGUST 2nd, 2021 Hon. Margo Lewis Hoy (Ret.) joins Signature Resolution Former Superior Court judge will mediate family...

A great team starts with great leaders such as our CEO and partner Dario Higuchi whom you can learn more about here.


Signature Resolution is Open for In-Person Mediation

June 07, 2021 - Media Contact: [email protected] (919) 985-6427 Signature Resolution Reopens Los Angeles and Century City Office Locations ...

Thought Leadership

A Deep Dive into Senate Bill 724, the New Conservatorship Bill

Hon. Clifford L. Klein (Ret.)

June 03, 2021 - By Clifford L. Klein A deep dive into Senate Bill 724, the new conservatorship bill Notwithstanding the dangers of celebrity-legislating, the a...

Legal experts like The Hon. Peter D. Lichtman work with Signature Resolution to mediate and arbitrate legal matters.

Thought Leadership

Mediacao Avaliativa – Made in Brazil

Hon. Peter D. Lichtman (Ret.)


Signature Resolution in California employs legal experts such as the Hon. Catherine E. Bauer for mediation.

Thought Leadership

Are Mega Attorney Fees in Mega Chapter 11s Unavoidable?

Hon. Catherine E. Bauer (Ret.)

May 25, 2021 - By Catherine E. Bauer Are mega attorney fees in mega Chapter 11s unavoidable? T he recently reported mega attorney fees in the mega NRA and Boy Sco...

Robert C. O’Brien, U.S. Ambassador can help with mediation and arbitration through Signature Resolutions in Los Angeles.


Former National Security Advisor joins Signature Resolution

Private: Robert C. O’Brien, U.S. Ambassador (Ret.)

May 21, 2021 - By Kamila Knaudt Daily Journal Staff Writer Former National Security Advisor joins Signature Resolution F ormer national security advisor Robe...

Robert C. O’Brien, U.S. Ambassador can help with mediation and arbitration through Signature Resolutions in Los Angeles.


Robert C. O’Brien, U.S. Ambassador, Retired Joins Signature Resolution

Private: Robert C. O’Brien, U.S. Ambassador (Ret.)

May 17, 2021 - Amb. Robert O’Brien Joins Signature Resolution Widely respected trial lawyer, negotiator and presidential advis...