Fair and impartial legal neutrals available from Signature Resolution for your mediation and arbitration needs.

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Legal disputes can be resolved with Signature Resolution and experts like the Hon. Tricia E. Bigelow in Los Angeles.

Thought Leadership

Is arbitration truly cost-effective?

Hon. Tricia A. Bigelow (Ret.)

November 02, 2023 - Shutterstock A rbitration – when conducted in accordance with rules and ethical standards – truly represents the best of both worlds. It...

The Hon. Benny Osorio offers mediation and arbitration services for Signature Resolution in California.

Thought Leadership

Evaluating Calif. Law On Litigation During Arbitration Appeals

Hon. Benny Osorio (Ret.)

November 01, 2023 - Portfolio Media. Inc. | 230 Park Avenue, 7th Floor | New York, NY 10011 | www.law360.com Phone: +1 646 783 7100 | Fax: +1 646 783 7161 ...

Thought Leadership

Bakery case before Supreme Court shows knead for clarity of FAA exemption

Rex Darrell Berry

October 18, 2023 - Shutterstock Rex Berry is a mediator and arbi- trator with Signature Resolution. Mandatory arbitration of employment disputes has been litigated ne...

Thought Leadership

Why Standing Analysis Is Key In Data Breach Mediation

Abe Melamed

October 13, 2023 - Portfolio Media. Inc. | 230 Park Avenue, 7th Floor | New York, NY 10011 | www.law360.com Phone: +1 646 783 7100 | Fax: +1 646 783 7161 ...

Jonathan Andrews is a professional legal expert and mediator with Signature Resolution in Century City, California.

Thought Leadership

Diversity Issues in Mediation

Jonathan D. Andrews

October 01, 2023 - E mployment mediations frequently involve sensitive issues, including equal opportunity, inclusivity, and fairness within the workplace. Whether a pa...

Thought Leadership

Don’t let a liquidated-damages clause nullify your settlement agreement

Hon. Abraham Khan (Ret.)

August 28, 2023 - When legal matters are settled by disputing parties through mediation outside of the courtroom, it is generally cause for celebration. Instead of...

Thought Leadership

A candid look at ‘diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging’ in the legal profession

Angela J. Reddock-Wright

August 27, 2023 - Angela Reddock-Wright is a neutral with Signature Resolution. Prior to taking on the role of a mediator and arbitrator, she served as an employm...

Mediation services available from Signature Resolution provided by legal experts such as Greg D. Derin.

Thought Leadership

Tell your story, but to a mediator

Greg D. Derin

August 27, 2023 - On July 1, Rabbi David Wolpe retired from his pulpit. Reflecting on the value of community, he wrote in the New York Times: “We, who do not kn...

Thought Leadership

Mandatory settlement conferences are not mediations

Hon. Dalila C. Lyons (Ret.)

August 21, 2023 - While the primary goal of both a mediation and a mandatory settlement conference (MSC) is the same – to settle a case – there are important di...

Thought Leadership

A lawyer’s reputation can be hard to untarnish

Hon. Kenneth K. So (Ret.)​

August 21, 2023 - Kenneth So is a neutral with Signature Resolution. He served nearly three decades on the San Diego Superior Court bench, where he was the court�...

Jonathan Andrews is a professional legal expert and mediator with Signature Resolution in Century City, California.

Thought Leadership

Questions remain after Adolph v. Uber Technologies, Inc. decision

Jonathan D. Andrews | Monique Ngo-Bonnici

August 14, 2023 - Shutterstock T he California Supreme Court’s July 17 ruling in Adolph v Uber Technologies, Inc. has been read, dis- cussed and dissected ad na...

Legal disputes can be resolved with Signature Resolution and experts like the Hon. Tricia E. Bigelow in Los Angeles.

Thought Leadership

Arbitrator disclosure requirements, failures, and disqualifications

Hon. Tricia A. Bigelow (Ret.)

August 14, 2023 - Arbitration has historically been the bete noir of alternative dispute resolution, but this censure is largely undeserved. True, the grounds for ...