Fair and impartial legal neutrals available from Signature Resolution for your mediation and arbitration needs.

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With decades of legal experience The Hon. Suzanne H. Segal is ready to help Signature Resolution provide mediation services.

Thought Leadership

Tips for Successful Mediations Using Zoom Videoconferencing

Hon. Suzanne H. Segal (Ret.)

April 15, 2020 - During these difficult COVID- 19 times, our first priority is the health and well-being of our community. However, if our economy and infrastructu...

The Signature Resolution mediators and arbitrators like T. Warren Jackson have years of legal experience.

Thought Leadership

Mediation While Keeping Your (Social) Distance

T. Warren Jackson

April 07, 2020 - NSFW language that can accom- pany mediations. • Prior to the session or at out- set, prepare your parties for the turbulence which may occur. Al...

Mediation services available from Signature Resolution provided by legal experts such as Greg D. Derin.

Thought Leadership

The Willfulness Requirement in Trademark Damages and the Imagination of Counsel

Greg D. Derin

April 01, 2020 - Mark Twain wrote, “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” Intel- lectual property laws are written to foster ...

Mediation services available from Signature Resolution provided by legal experts such as Greg D. Derin.

Thought Leadership

Sunk Costs: How your mediator can help you avoid eating liver and onions

Greg D. Derin

March 02, 2020 - compelling, then perhaps the parties would like to play double or nothing and make an offer that is commensurate with that approach. Numbers don�...

Mediation services available from Signature Resolution provided by legal experts such as Greg D. Derin.

Thought Leadership

There’s No Crying in Baseball – Unless You’re Cheated

Greg D. Derin

February 22, 2020 - disingenuous. This has been the case with the Astros who have been masters at failing to issue genuine and sincere apologies. To purport to offer ...

Get trusted legal arbitration and mediation from Signature Resolution and experts like Bruce Isaacs.

Thought Leadership

Does a Non-Managing Member of an LLC Owe a Fiduciary Duty to the Other Members?

Bruce Isaacs

February 20, 2020 - manager- managed LLC, the fiduciary duty relationships between members change in a major way. As Section 17704.09(f)(1)-(3) provides, if the LLC...

Signature Resolution has legal minds such as the Hon. Thomas T. Lewis to mediate and arbitrate legal disputes and conflicts.

Thought Leadership

Family Law Refresher Course Brochure

Hon. Thomas T. Lewis (Ret.)

February 01, 2020 - Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter at www.CFLR.com to receive information on special offers and discounts, upcoming seminars and new...

Signature Resolution has legal minds such as the Hon. Thomas T. Lewis to mediate and arbitrate legal disputes and conflicts.

Thought Leadership

Applying People v. Sanchez to Experts in Family Law Cases

Hon. Thomas T. Lewis (Ret.)

January 07, 2020 - THIS PAPER CONTAINS 30% POST-CONSUMER WASTE w w w. a c f l s . o r g W i n t e r 2 01 9, N o . 1 APPLYING PEOPLE V. SANCHEZ TO EXPERTS IN FAM...

The Hon. Benny Osorio offers mediation and arbitration services for Signature Resolution in California.

Neutral Spotlight

Creating Rapport

Hon. Benny Osorio (Ret.)

November 29, 2019 - Benny C. Osorio Signature Resolution Los Angeles Areas of specialty: business/commercial contract, civil rights, employment/class action, ente...

Thought Leadership

The Hague Convention: Aspects of International Child Abduction

Hon. Scott M. Gordon (Ret.)

November 09, 2019 - ditional custody hearings in which a court looks to the best interest of the child to fashion the appropri- ate custody and visitation orders. The...

Find out what the legal pros such as the Hon. Hank Goldberg can do for your legal disputes at Signature Resolution.

Neutral Spotlight

Bold Success: Family Law Guru Hank Goldberg

Hon. Hank M. Goldberg (Ret.)

November 08, 2019 - Hank M. Goldberg Signature Resolution (Los Angeles) Areas of specialty: family law FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2019 By Justin Kloczko Daily Journal Sta...

Experience matters and Mark Loeterman is an experienced lawyer and mediator working with Signature Resolution.

Thought Leadership

3 Legal Developments California Real Estate Brokers Should Know

Mark Loeterman

October 31, 2019 - Portfolio Media. Inc. | 111 West 19th Street, 5th Floor | New York, NY 10011 | www.law360.com Phone: +1 646 783 7100 | Fax: +1 646 783 7...