Fair and impartial legal neutrals available from Signature Resolution for your mediation and arbitration needs.

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Thought Leadership

Older Workers May Be Allowed to Sidestep Arbitration, Go Directly to Court

Rex Darrell Berry

June 07, 2024 - As I sit here safely ensconced in my seventh decade, I occasionally wonder, “What’s so great about getting older?” First, of course, growing ol...

Thought Leadership

Prometheus Re-Bound? The Future of Copyright in the Time of AI

Greg D. Derin

February 28, 2024 - We have a complicated relation-ship with folklore and mythol-ogy. Reflecting on ancient tales can inform our understanding of the contemporary world ...

Thought Leadership

California Narrows At-Will Employment Window

Joe Lovretovich

November 29, 2023 - One of the fundamental tenets of employ-ment law is that, unless the parties have negotiated and signed a contract to the contrary, all employment is...

Thought Leadership

New Excess Verdict Demand Letter Requirements

Arnie Levinson

August 04, 2023 - Where an insurance company fails to accept a reasonable settlement demand within the limits of the applicable insur-ance policy, it can be responsibl...

Thought Leadership

Occam’s Razor Unlocks Success in Mediation

Greg D. Derin

July 31, 2023 - We all have indelible memories from our youth. One of mine comes from 10th grade gym class. I was lying face down on the trampoline looking toward th...

Thought Leadership

Misjudging Mediators: AB 924 Might Cast Too Wide a Net

Hon. Halim Dhanidina (Ret.)

July 26, 2023 - Mediation is an invaluable forum for resolving disputes, allowing parties to achieve an outcome, on their own, that addresses their unique issues wit...

Mediation from highly qualified neutrals such as the Hon. B. Scott Silverman working for Signature Resolution.

Thought Leadership

Dealing With Emotions in Mediations

Hon. B. Scott Silverman (Ret.)

June 07, 2023 - Conventional wisdom says that emotions have no place in the legal world. Emotions are messy, complicated and illogical. They don’t fit within th...

Thought Leadership

9th Circuit Upholds Mandatory Arbitration Agreement Required by California Employers

Rex Darrell Berry

March 13, 2023 - Among practitioners of employment law, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has a general reputation for being more favorable to employee...

Jonathan Andrews is a professional legal expert and mediator with Signature Resolution in Century City, California.

Thought Leadership

Mandatory Employment Arbitration Permissible—But For How Long?

Jonathan D. Andrews

March 02, 2023 - 3/2/23, 2:18 PM Mandatory Employment Arbitration Permissible—But For How Long? | The Recorder https://www.law.com/therecorder/2023/03/02/mandatory...

The Hon. Benny Osorio offers mediation and arbitration services for Signature Resolution in California.

Thought Leadership

Supreme Court To Decide If Stay Is Required Pending Arbitration Appeal

Hon. Benny Osorio (Ret.)

January 31, 2023 - Supreme Court To Decide If Stay Is Required Pending Arbitration Appeal By Benny Osorio daily at www.therecorder.com LAW BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY BUSIN...

Thought Leadership

Don’t Wait for the California Supreme Court’s Ruling in ‘Adolph’ to Settle PAGA Claims

Monique Ngo-Bonnici

January 06, 2023 - Don’t Wait for the California Supreme Court’s Ruling in 'Adolph' to Settle PAGA Claims By Monique Ngo-Bonnici daily at www.therecorder.com LA...

Eve Wagner, Esq. is one of the legal neutrals working for mediation through Signature Resolution in California.

Thought Leadership

Pregnancy Related Cases Continue to Rise in 2021

Eve Wagner

October 06, 2021 - Pregnancy discrimination, harass- ment and retaliation cases have continued to rise steadily across the country from 2016 through the first ha...