Fair and impartial legal neutrals available from Signature Resolution for your mediation and arbitration needs.

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The Hon. Marc Marmaro has years of mediation and legal experience and works with Signature Resolution.

Thought Leadership

Uncovering Essentials

Hon. Marc Marmaro (Ret.)

October 11, 2019 - Marc Marmaro Signature Resolution (Los Angeles) Areas of specialty: Business and commercial litigation, intellectual property, entertainment, s...

Legal advice and mediation from experience legal professionals like Kirk Pasich with Signature Resolution.

Thought Leadership

Insurance Issues In Settlement Discussions

Kirk Pasich

September 18, 2019 - So, it’s time to try to settle a lawsuit? Where does an insurer fit in the process? Does it matter whether it’s an informal discussion, a settlem...

Thought Leadership

Pyrrhic victories and the cost of family law litigation

Hon. Scott M. Gordon (Ret.)

August 26, 2019 - next evolution, but that is where they should be looking. It has been said that it is hard to write the next chapter of your life if you keep re-...

For legal disputes consider mediation or arbitration from neutrals such as David W. Phillips at Signature Resolution.

Thought Leadership

The Ninth Circuit rules that Dynamex applies retroactively

David S. Phillips

August 25, 2019 - On May 2, 2019, the Ninth Circuit unanimously decided Vazquez v. Jan-Pro Franchising International, Inc. No. 17- 16096 (9th Cir. 2019), a putative cl...

Signature Resolution has legal minds such as the Hon. Thomas T. Lewis to mediate and arbitrate legal disputes and conflicts.

Thought Leadership

Is the Minimum Really Good Enough?

Hon. Thomas T. Lewis (Ret.)

July 01, 2019 - THIS PAPER CONTAINS 30% POST-CONSUMER WASTE w w w. a c f l s . o r g S u m m e r 2 01 9, N o . 3 IS THE MINIMUM REALLY GOOD ENOUGH? Honorable ...

Get trusted legal arbitration and mediation from Signature Resolution and experts like Bruce Isaacs.

Thought Leadership

Key Damages Questions to Ask in Copyright Mediation

Bruce Isaacs

June 18, 2019 - Portfolio Media. Inc. | 111 West 19th Street, 5th Floor | New York, NY 10011 | www.law360.com Phone: +1 646 783 7100 | Fax: +1 646 783 7...

For legal disputes consider mediation or arbitration from neutrals such as David W. Phillips at Signature Resolution.

Thought Leadership

Establishing Trust

David S. Phillips

May 17, 2019 - FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2019 By Blaise Scemama Daily Journal Staff Writer Emilio Aldea / Daily Journal Establishing Trust Transparency is key to a success...

Eve Wagner, Esq. is one of the legal neutrals working for mediation through Signature Resolution in California.

Thought Leadership

Keeping Up With A Changing Worker Classification Landscape

Eve Wagner

May 07, 2019 - Eve Wagner Portfolio Media. Inc. | 111 West 19th Street, 5th floor | New York, NY 10011 | www.law360.com Phone: +1 646 783 7100 | Fax: +1 646 783...

Years of legal experience at your disposal such as with Lars Johnson mediator with Signature Resolution.

Thought Leadership

Enforceability of 664.6 Settlements after Mesa

Lars Johnson

May 03, 2019 - On March 29, 2019, the court of appeal is-sued its ruling in Mesa RHF v. City of Los Angeles, 2019 WL 1416925. The court upheld the trial court’...

Legal advice and mediation from experience legal professionals like Kirk Pasich with Signature Resolution.

Thought Leadership

The New Restatement of the Law, Liability Insurance

Kirk Pasich

April 15, 2019 - Los Angeles | Manhattan Beach | New York ZP01.001/196086.1 The New Restatement of the Law, Liability Insurance...

Get trusted legal arbitration and mediation from Signature Resolution and experts like Bruce Isaacs.

Thought Leadership

Profit Participation Mediation Tips From The ‘Bones’ Case”

Bruce Isaacs

March 21, 2019 - 3/27/2019 Profit Participation Mediation Tips From The 'Bones' Case - Law360 https://www.law360.com/articles/1141134/print?section=california 1/5 B...

Signature Resolution offers mediation and arbitration services from pros like the Hon. Joyce Fahey.

Thought Leadership

The Dollars and Sense of a Discovery Referee

Hon. Joyce K. Fahey (Ret.)

October 05, 2018 - Several years ago, I was appointed as the discov-ery referee in a 4-year-old case in which the parties had al- ready each spent nearly $1 mil- lion ...