Arnie Levinson


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“I feel that there are a few things that parties expect of a mediator. They expect to be heard and understood, and they expect that the mediator is prepared and knowledgeable about their case, not biased, and is working hard to get the case settled."

Case Administrator

Practice Areas

  • Business & Commercial Contracts
  • Employment
  • Fraud
  • Insurance
  • Insurance (ERISA)
  • Insurance Coverage/Bad Faith
  • Personal Injury
  • Premises Liability
  • Professional Liability


  • J.D., Georgetown University Law Center
  • B.A., University of Washington


Arnie Levinson joins Signature Resolution with nearly four decades of experience as an attorney and nearly a decade of experience in mediation. His diligent preparation, understanding, and focus on critical issues in each case make him the perfect candidate to bring balanced, informed resolution to disputes.

Levinson became a mediator after earning a reputation as one of the leading coverage and bad faith insurance attorneys in the country. He works across practice areas, from business and commercial contracts to employment, ERISA, insurance coverage and bad faith, personal injury, and professional liability. Even with the most complex cases, he achieves fair and well-reasoned resolutions, helping parties avoid years of painful, expensive litigation. His insight and expertise are also paired with his ability to make parties heard and comfortable, allowing him to resolve highly complex cases that other attorneys have called “insurmountable.”

In every mediation, Levinson’s knowledge of the law and compassion for the people involved is acutely felt and appreciated. He finds that listening to each party, particularly early in the mediation, is a critical component of reaching a resolution. Levinson prides himself on letting parties know that, as a mediator, he understands their case and how to properly present it to the disputing side. His knack for establishing credibility with each party is key to helping facilitate settlement decisions. At the same time, he makes every effort to ensure he addresses any issues in a non-confrontational manner. His desire to help change lives through legal means is what makes him a sought-after mediator.

Levinson’s law career has been notable from the start; at his first firm, Pettit, Evers & Martin, he assisted with an appeal in a bad faith defense case for Mutual of Omaha—one that became formative in the practice of bad faith law. Levinson continued to make a name for himself in bad faith and denied- or delayed-claims litigation with the establishment of both Gutierrez, Griffinger & Levinson (and its successors) and Pillsbury & Levinson. Levinson is motivated by a dedication to help others and, above all, to justice. During his 25 years as a coverage and bad faith insurance attorney, he was routinely involved in shaping state and national legislation in insurance law and filed numerous briefs on a variety of major issues in the California and United States Supreme Courts. Levinson has served as President of the San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association and as a member of the statewide Task Force developing the CACI jury instructions, the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA), and the Consumer Attorneys of California, to name a few.


  • Mediator, ADR Services, Inc. (2016-2022)
  • Mediator, Levinson Mediation (2013-2016)
  • Cofounder and Partner, Pillsbury & Levinson (1991-2014)
  • Cofounder and Partner, Gutierrez, Griffinger & Levinson (and its successors) (1979-1991)
  • Attorney, Pettit, Evers & Martin (1975-1979)

Professional Achievements and Memberships

  • Recipient, Distinguished Mediator of the Year Award, San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association (2022)
  • Member, American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA) (2013-Present) 
  • Member, Task Force on New Civil Jury Instructions (CACI) (2013-2019) 
  • Former Member, Board of Governors, Consumer Attorneys of California (1996-2001)
  • Former President, San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association (1995)
  • Recipient, Presidential Award of Merit from Consumer Attorneys of California (1995)
  • Frequent Guest Lecturer, bad faith insurance matters throughout the country (1985-Present)
  • Recognized Editor on Insurance Cases, Continuing Education of the Bar Civil Litigation Reporter (1980-2008)​​
  • Settlement Conference Officer, San Francisco Superior Court 
  • Author, numerous articles on insurance-related matters in a wide variety of publications 
  • Former Chair, Association for Justice, Insurance Bad Faith Section